Decision of the Information Appeals Tribunal upholding Gary Murphys appeal that the PCA wrongly withheld pubco letters 6th June 2021
Mode of hearing
1. The proceedings were held by video (CVP). All parties joined remotely. The Tribunal was satisfied that it was fair and just to conduct the hearing in this way. The appellant appeared in person and the Information Commissioner was represented by Mr Perry.
Background to Appeal
2. This appeal is against a decision of the Information Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) dated 21 July 2020 (FS50878167, the “Decision Notice). It concerns information sought from the Pubs Code Adjudicator (“PCA”) under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) regarding a voluntary agreement with six companies. The Commissioner ordered disclosure of some information that had been withheld by PCA. She decided that the exemption in section 36(2) FOIA applied to some of the withheld information, and the appellant appeals against this decision.
3. Relevant background context to the appeal is as follows:
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